Before You Start!
Check your current build\version number in your Pontem Cemetery application by selecting Help | About from the application menu.
If your current version is or older, do not attempt this update without the assistance of a Pontem Technician. To submit a request for assistance installing the latest Cemetery Update, click on this link and follow the instructions:
Request a Cemetery Application Upgrade from a version older than
If your current Build # is or Greater
1. Log Onto the Cemetery Application on your Server First
The server/computer where the database is stored must be updated before upgrading the client PCs.
If you have a stand-alone installation on a single computer, your only computer is the server.
To verify you are on the server, launch Cemetery and look for the Status Bar along the very bottom of the main program window.
Note the 4th item in from the left: Insure the PC Role = Server. If the PC Role = Client, you will need to find the computer which shows “Server” to install the upgrade on the Server first.
Log onto Your Server as a Windows System Administrator
Alternatively, you can launch the Pontem CM program as Administrator (right-click on the Cemetery short-cut and select “Run as administrator”.)
Microsoft Windows Warnings
If you receive a warning from Microsoft Windows or your anti-virus program, "An unknown program is trying to make changes to your computer, do you want to continue?” (or similar message), select the response which allows the upgrade to continue. If you are unsure how to answer this security question, contact your IT Technician.
2. Update Your Server Application before updating client PCs
A. On the Server, Launch the Cemetery application and log in to your database as PontemAdmin
If you have forgotten the password for PontemAdmin click here to submit a request to have the credentials and instructions emailed to you:
Request Cemetery Application Upgrade Credentials and Instructions
B. After logging in as PontemAdmin, make sure no other users are connected to the database
From the Menu bar, select File, Administration, Licensing.
Select the Close button to continue
C. Retrieve and Download the Update
--> Select Help, Check for Updates\Upgrade from the Menu Bar
--> Read the notice and follow the instructions. This notice varies depending on the age of your current version. Some older versions may prompt for a password again. Newer versions will display your current version and the new version you may upgrade to.
D. Apply the Update: The installation wizard will download the Upgrade Installer and ask you a series of questions. To complete the upgrade successfully, each message or question must be answered affirmatively.
Questions vary depending on how old your current versions is, but the flow is much the same for all versions:
--> Yes Apply: Do you wish to apply the Upgrade now? Select “Yes”
--> Select Tasks: leave defaults and select Next.
--> Default Configuration: Leave defaults and select Next.
--> Preparing to Install: Leave defaults and select Next.
--> Install: Select the Install button.
--> RTU Shut Down; you only get this if you have an Online Burial Site with Real Time Updates
--> Finish: Select to open the Cemetery log in dialog
3. Apply Updates to the Database - Before Updating Client PCs
A. Once again, Log in as User = PontemAdmin. If your upgrade downloaded successfully you will be prompted to apply the database updates:
--> “Your data must be upgraded from … Do you want to apply it now”?
Select “Yes” to continue; it will start with a Backup and Optimization of the database.
B. Backup and Optimize your Database will prompt you as follows:
--> Review and Back up: review the information and click the Next button to run the back up
--> Restore Dialog; select the Next button to begin the restore/optimization
(Note: For this to complete successfully , no other users can be logged in)
--> Finish the Restore and Optimize; click the Finish button
When completed, a confirmation will be displayed noting the revision number that has been applied.
C. Verify your login and upgrade version
--> Select File,Open an Existing Pontem Cemetery Manager, from the Menu Bar
--> Log in to your database with your regular user name and password
--> On the Menu bar Select Help | About and review the version information
Your Server Upgrade is now complete and you can Close the Pontem Cemetery and continue with upgrading the application on your Client PCs.
D. If you operate the Pontem Cemetery application on a stand-alone computer, your update is complete. there is nothing more to do.
4. Upgrade Cemetery Application on Client PCs
After the upgrade process is complete on the server, the client machines will need to be upgraded. This is done automatically when you run Cemetery at each client machine. This process may require administrator privileges on the local computer to install the upgrade.
1. Open the Pontem Cemetery program on the Client PC as Administrator
The Installation Wizard will start automatically.
--> Click the Next button begin the upgraded
--> Click Install button to proceed
--> Once completed, click Finish button to open the program
2. Log in to the program using a regular user name and password
3. On the Menu bar Select Help, About and review the version information
If you have questions or need assistance with the update, contact the Pontem Help Desk via the “Submit A Request” from this link or from your Help option on the Pontem CM Menu bar.
You can also call the Pontem Help Desk @ 888.237.8531.