Overview: The Mange Graves Workspace is where property record details, including ownership, are maintained. The Mange Graves workspace allows an unlimited number of owners to be assigned to a property. These owners can be selected from a list from your address book, or they can be added on-the-fly from the Manage Graves Workspace.
Best Practice: It is not unusual for a property to be sold to more than one person, such as a husband and wife. It is strongly recommended an Address Book record be created for each person as an individual, as opposed to combining them as a single person.
Mr. John Smith, Mrs. Joan Smith
As opposed to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
To Add New or Additional Owners to a Grave Record:
- In the Manage Graves Workspace, browse to the record to which you wish to add an owner, and click the Edit Grave Or, if you are adding a new Grave, Click New Grave.
- To insert a blank row\line in the Owner Name list:
- Click the Owner Name of the last record in the Owner list and press the TAB key until a new empty row is inserted.
- Or, if you have grid navigation tool turned on, you can click the green + in the grid navigation bar to create a line for the owner.
- To add the Owner detail in your new row, you may select an existing contact from your Address book, or create a new Name\Contact record as your Owner.
- First, click in the Owner Name column in your new row\line to drop-down a list of existing Contacts. As you type the Owner Name, existing Contacts records that match will display in a drop-down list. If you see the owner already has a record in this list, select the existing record from the list.
- If a matching contact record does not yet exist, click Add New, which is the first entry on the list (or select the TAB key) to open the Add New dialog.
- Enter the appropriate information in the New Owner Record pop-up window. Note there are four tabs in this window, which will allow you to enter any data you have for this person.
- Click OK to return to the property record.
- If more than one owner is needed, press the TAB key on your keyboard until an additional empty owner line is added for you to work with. Repeat steps 2-4 for each owner needed.
- Confirm the Grave Status is reflective of a property that is owned.
- After adding all desired owners, click Save in the lower right-hand corner of the program window.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you add an owner to a property assigned to a deed, the owner will be added to ALL records attached to that deed.